

Liquidised Beats

13 December 2023


Another mix from around 2010, and another mix with no real back story. I think at the time I was still getting to grips with CDJ's, the blog was still a fairly new and exciting thing and I was trying to build some content. From the outside looking in it's probably looked / looks like a waste of time, but it's something that's helped me over the years even if it didn't go the direction I'd hoped at the time. 

I still like the fact that this is my own space, not beholden to the social media sites and I'm no longer worrying about chasing the algorithms, though I do still share the posts I'm putting up here, I think it's a force of habit. Anyway, I'm still here, talking into the void as ever, and listening to some of my own older mixes (with an occasional cringe) as I go but enjoying listening to some tunes I'd parked and forgotten about. 

As for traffic and other people finding their way here; if they do, then fine, if not then I'm okay with it being that way too. I think that's one of the things this space, and others that still operate off the big platforms, has over social media - so much is posted on Facebook, Twitter (I'm not changing), TikTok and the rest, that things posted there are lost forever almost as soon as they are posted and people are so used to simply flicking through now the stats are almost meaningless. This place moves in the direction I choose and at the pace that fits me.

As ever, I'll link the tracklist as well as I can, those links might not work forever and you might need to do some digging yourself if you want anything for your own collection.



Felix Da Housecat / P. Diddy - Fuk Dat (Accapella)
Oneohtrix Point Never - Astral Project T.I.N.A (Lo Recordings)
Ray Mang - Look Into My Eyes (Mangled)
Pistolpuma - Feathers (Houselective)
Crazy P - Never Gonna Reach Me (Hot Toddy Remix) (20:20 Vision)
Skatebård - Starwatcher II (Balsa Wood)
Craig Smith & The Revenge - The Soul Pt. II (6th Borough Project Remix) (Delusions Of Grandeur)
Todd Terje - Eurodans (Future Disco)
Bonar Bradberry - Carlos The Jackal (Future Disco)
M - Pop Muzik (Todd Terje Remix) (Permanent Vacation)
Tiago - Motorcycles (Neville Watson Remix) (Hands Of Time)
Ajello - Come Back (The Heels Of Love Mix) (Mad On The Moon)
John Talabot - Matilda's Dream (Permanent Vacation)
The Revenge - Just Be Good (Ron Basejam Remix) (Needwant)


Download available via Hearthis

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