

Network Guest Mix

19 January 2024


This was the second to last appearance I made on Box Frequency FM. Network was a show that was similar to the Down The Rabbit Hole concept, in that a few DJ's had a show on weekly rotation and each would host a guest alongside a mix of their own. On this occasion I was sharing the platform with Matthew Foord, one of the most genuine and friendly people I've encountered through the hellscape that is the online universe. One of only a couple of people that have kept in touch with me, not only is he a great person, but also a fantastic selector and it's worth having a rummage around on his Mixcloud or the Box Frequency archives that are hosted on Hearthis... there's a lot of quality and a few big names on there!

For my own part, I tried to pick tracks that might compliment the person I was appearing aside, not always but mostly, and certainly in this case. Matthew's musical taste is very eclectic, and mine has become more so over the years. I think my involvement with Box Frequency and the amount of time listening to the various contributors opened me up to a lot of things I wouldn't have come across otherwise. For that I thank them all, though my bank balance does not.



01. Nick Mackrory - Zulu - (Colona Records)
02. Scientific Dreamz Of U - Mystic Revelation Of Science - (Bokhari Records)
03. Ford Inc. - Delirium - (Throne Of Blood)
04. Cetranger - Spear Words - (Vernal Records)
05. Farbror Resande Mac - Drakryggen - (Is It Balearic?)
06. Jonny Nash - Phantom Actors - (Melody As Truth)
07. Gunnar Haslam - Ajapajapam (Version) - (L.I.E.S)
08. Mugwump - Doobie Shine Trouble - (Subfield)
09. Gaussian Curve - Impossible Island - (Music From Memory)
10. Cass. - Forest + Deer - (Emotional Response)
11. The Unknown Cases - Masimbabele (Justin Van Der Volgen Remix) - ([Emotional] Especial)
12. Stratus - Axis - (Aficionado Recordings)
13. Mushrooms Project - Obsession - (Uber)
14. Holy Other - Yr Love - (Tri Angle)
15. Baby Alpaca - Sea Of Dreams (Turbotito Remix) - (Music For Dreams)
16. Len Leise - Ryoshi's Garden - (Aficionado Recordings)
17. Eddie C - The Touch - (Red Motorbike)


Download available via Hearthis



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